Friday, June 13, 2014

We need sunshine!

Another damp, foggy day in Coopville.  :o(

Only one egg again - my girls need sunshine!!!!!

I want the darn pen to dry out for a change. Had to clear a spot, put down wood shavings and fresh hay on top of it so they could at least have a dry spot to lay down.

Charlie spent a good part of the day in the coop making his stupid nests and calling the girls in so they could see what he had done. I spent a good part of the day messing up his nests with the rake!

I'm mean that way...sometimes.


  1. Such a domestic fellow that Charlie!

    1. He really takes care of his girls! He doesn't like it when I pick them up and always attacks my boots.

  2. Sounds like you and Charlie have quite the feud going on ;))

    1. Nah, not really Mamahen. I just like to tease him - it's fun! LOL He is just so full of himself!
