Sunday, September 29, 2013

Don't Know Why.....

 ..........Lucy and the Evil One are not laying eggs every day. They are not molting and they are not sick.
I wonder if the stress of so much bickering among Amos, Andy and Goldie is getting to them. Goldie is constantly picking on A & A.  He chased them so much they flew over the run fence and out into the yard. I got them back in by bribing them with treats.

No one really minds having Charlie around. He just sort of blends in with who he is with. He definitely is not going to be the alpha male.

I think I'll let all of them spend more time running around in the yard during the day. Maybe that's what they need - some more leg room to do chickens stuff.

With all them out in the yard it will be easier and faster to clean out the coop, run and pen.

I don't know how some people have more than six chickens as pets. Six chickens poop a hell of a lot - can't imagine cleaning up after any more than that....

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