By using steam rather than fuel, the microwave-size spacecraft prototype can theoretically explore celestial objects "forever."
Using steam to propel a spacecraft from asteroid to asteroid is now
possible, thanks to a collaboration between a private space company and
the University of Central Florida.
UCF planetary research scientist Phil Metzger worked with
Honeybee Robotics
of Pasadena, California, which developed the World Is Not Enough
spacecraft prototype that extracts water from asteroids or other
planetary bodies to generate steam and propel itself to its next mining
UCF provided the
simulated asteroid material and Metzger did the computer modeling and simulation necessary before Honeybee created the
prototype and tried out the idea in its facility Dec. 31.
The team also partnered with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in
Daytona Beach, Florida, to develop initial prototypes of steam-based
rocket thrusters
“We could potentially use this technology to hop on the
Moon, … Pluto, the poles of Mercury, asteroids — anywhere there is
water and sufficiently low gravity.” – Phil Metzger, UCF scientist
“It’s awesome,” Metzger says of the demonstration. “WINE
successfully mined the soil, made rocket propellant, and launched itself
on a jet of steam extracted from the simulant. We could potentially use
this technology to hop on the Moon, Ceres, Europa, Titan, Pluto, the
poles of Mercury, asteroids — anywhere there is water and sufficiently
low gravity.”
WINE, which is the size of a microwave oven, mines the water from
the surface then makes it into steam to fly to a new location and
repeat. Therefore, it is a rocket that never runs out of fuel and can
theoretically explore “forever.”
The process works in a variety of scenarios depending on the
gravity of each object, Metzger says. The spacecraft uses deployable
solar panels to get enough energy for mining and making steam, or it
could use small
radiosotopic decay units to extend the potential reach of these planetary hoppers to Pluto and other locations far from the sun.
Metzger spent three years developing technology necessary to turn
the idea into reality. He developed new equations and a new method to do
computer modeling of steam propulsion to come up with the novel
approach and to verify that it would actually work beyond a computer

using steam rather than fuel, the World Is Not Enough (WINE) spacecraft
prototype can theoretically explore “forever,” as long as water and
sufficiently low gravity is present
The development of this type of spacecraft could have a profound
impact on future exploration. Currently, interplanetary missions stop
exploring once the spacecraft runs out of propellant.
“Each time we lose our tremendous investment in time and money that
we spent building and sending the spacecraft to its target,” Metzger
says. “WINE was designed to never run out of propellant so exploration
will be less expensive. It also allows us to explore in a shorter amount
of time, since we don’t have to wait for years as a new spacecraft
travels from Earth each time.”
The project is a result of the
NASA Small Business Technology Transfer program. The
program is designed to encourage universities to partner with small
businesses, injecting new scientific progress into marketable commercial
“The WINE-like spacecrafts have the potential to change
how we explore the universe.” – Kris Zacny, vice president of Honeybee
“The project has been a collaborative effort between NASA, academia
and industry; and it has been a tremendous success,” says Kris Zacny,
vice president of Honeybee Robotics. “The WINE-like spacecrafts have the
potential to change how we explore the universe.”
The team is now seeking partners to continue developing small spacecraft.
Metzger is an associate in planetary science research at UCF’s
Florida Space Institute. Before joining UCF, he worked at NASA’s Kennedy
Space Center from 1985 to 2014. He earned both his master’s (2000) and
doctorate (2005) in
from UCF. Metzger’s work covers some of the most exciting and
cutting-edge areas of space research and engineering. He has
participated in developing a range of technologies advancing our
understanding of how to explore the solar system. The technologies
include: methods to extract water from lunar soil; 3D printing methods
for structures built from asteroid and Martian clay, and lunar soil
mechanic testers for use by gloved astronauts.
Honeybee Robotics, a subsidiary of Ensign Bickford Industries,
focuses on developing drilling tools and systems for finding life as
well as for space mining for resources. Honeybee has previously deployed
and operated Rock Abrasion Tool (RAT) on Mars Exploration Rovers (MER),
Icy Soil Acquisition Device (ISAD) on Mars Phoenix, and Sample
Manipulation System (SMS) for the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM)
instrument on the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL). The MSL also has
Honeybee’s Dust Removal Tool. Current flight and R&D projects
include systems for Mars, the Moon, Europa, Phobos, Titan, and others.