Monday, August 31, 2020

Good Morning!

Will be taking the week off - Hubby and I have a ton of projects to be done in Coopville! 

Now is the perfect time as the weather has turned a wee bit cooler!

Have a wonderful, blessed week!


Friday, August 28, 2020

Friday Night Steam

Another beautiful video sent in by Pastor Bob!


Historic steam locomotive no. 765 is a high-stepping, fourteen-wheeled, time machine that stands 15 feet tall, weighs 404 tons and can go over 70 miles an hour. It was one of famous class of steam locomotives called the Berkshire, one known for its “superpower” technology and aesthetic charm.


Serial Number
Lima Locomotive Works
Berkshire · , S-2 Class
Wheel arrangement
15ft, 8in
404 tons
Boiler Pressure
Maximum Speed

For the wonderful story of this engine, see here:


Today's funny :o)

Don't. wanna. get. up.......


Stormy weather...

Yesterday was a beautiful, hot but humid day. Some of the gang enjoyed taking dirt baths:

Even blabbermouth was feeling lazy:

Our local weather guru said that later in the evening we would be getting rain, 
maybe high winds and hail!

 So I took some video of the sunflowers just in case they got damaged:

After dinner, the clouds rolled in:

We did get the rain, wind, thunder and lightening.....


Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Wonders of the deep

Deepstaria Enigmatica

Deepstaria enigmatica is a very rarely seen giant jellyfish of the family Ulmaridae first described in 1967 by F. S. Russell. The bell of this jellyfish is very thin and wide, and resembles a translucent, undulating sheet or lava lamp as the animal moves. They are usually found in Antarctic and near-Antarctic seas but have been spotted in waters near the United Kingdom, at depths of 600 to 1,750 meters.
Source: Wikipedia


Today's funny :o)


Bossy Benji

Yesterday Benji chased all the girls into the coop!
 They didn't even get a chance to finish breakfast!

Here is is giving them a stern lecture:

The sunflower patch:

These are by the two boulders:

A rose!

A lady bug eating a new kernel of corn:

Only a couple of weeks left to enjoy all the flowers!

That is the longest egg I have ever seen!


Monday, August 24, 2020

Remember these?

The Sunday comics were always the best!!!!


Today's funny :o)

H/T to Donna!!!  

This is Sara. She’s 56, has two kids, and she’s never exercised a day in her life. She eats anything she wants and occasionally stays up until 3am drinking and partying. What’s her secret? Nothing, she is the woman in the background.


They're back....

..... darn damn deer

The herd is getting BIGGER!

Nice little buck in there:

Hubby painted the old shed:

It dried quickly because it was:

A shorter new sunflower:

Buella has a boo-boo:

The other girls were pecking on her - has to put some Blue-Kote on it.
That stuff works wonders!


Friday, August 21, 2020

Friday Night Steam

Oh, such sweet anticipation!

CP2816 works her way up the "Big Hill" immediately west of Lake Louise, Alberta. This unique hill climb HD footage of CP2816, includes a CP consist ONLY with NO diesel. It was filmed on a cold, still morning..... "A STEAM Locomotive at it's Best!"

Today's funny :o)

H/T to Glenn H.!


Another one!

Can't wait until they ALL bloom!

Autumn is just around the corner...

Hey! Where are all the TREATS????

Back to the pen:

Everyone in except.....

...... naughty Louise!


Wednesday, August 19, 2020


Saiga Facts

Saiga is a type of antelope. There are two subspecies of saiga (Saiga tatarica tatarica and Saiga tatarica mongolica) that can be found in Asia and southeastern parts of Europe (Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan). Saiga inhabits grasslands, savannas, shrublands, deserts and arid areas. Number of saigas dropped drastically in the last couple of years because of uncontrolled hunt, habitat loss and due to increased competition for grazing with other species. Local people kill saiga because of its meat and horns. Horns are used in traditional Chinese medicine. Saiga is listed as critically endangered species with less than 50 000 animals left in the wild.
Interesting Saiga Facts:
Saiga is sized like a goat. Males are larger than females. On average, saiga can reach 42 to 57 inches in length, 22 to 31 inches of height at the shoulder and 46 to 112 pounds in weight.
Body of saiga is covered with cinnamon-colored fur. During the winter, coat becomes thicker.
Saiga has long, thin legs and robust body.
The most distinctive feature on the head of saiga is its nose. Long, humped nose covers the mouth. Although it looks weird, nose prevents dust from entering the lungs during the summer and warms the cold air before reaching the lungs during the winter.
Only males have horns. They are ringed at the bottom and positioned vertically. Unfortunately, hunters kill saiga because of the horns and there is great disproportion in the number of males and females in the wild.
Horns are used for fights during the mating season. Fights are very aggressive and they usually end fatally. Mortality rate (number of deaths) can reach 90% during the mating season.
Saiga is an herbivore (plant-eater). It grazes grass and eats different types of lichens, herbs and shrubs.
Saiga lives in herds composed of 30 to 40 animals. Herds consist of large number of females (that live like in the "harem") and males that guard them.
Saigas are very famous for their long and exhausting migrations that take place each year. Migrations start at November and they are directed toward the winter grounds in the south.
1During migrations, couple of thousand saigas travel up to 72 miles per day.
Saiga is very fast animal. It can run up to 80 per hour, especially when it is trying to escape from the predators.
Main predators of saiga are wolves and humans.
Mating season of saiga takes place during the winter. After exhausting fights, winners (males) get opportunity to mate.
Pregnancy lasts 5 months and ends with usually two babies. Babies depend on the mother's milk during the first 4 months of their lives.
Saigas can survive between 6 and 10 years in the wild, but their lifespan is usually much shorter.  

Lots of information about this fascinating animal can be found here:


Today's funny :o)


Some Coopville critters...

  Naturally: the damn deer:

A bee so heavily covered in pollen it couldn't fly!

He even goes in the coop!

A pretty butterfly:

Bees on the big sunflower:

More damn deer:

And, of course, the gang!
