Saturday, August 31, 2013

Musical Chairs......

After I let Charlie and Goldie out to eat first, Ethel, Lucy, Oscar and Nina come out for their breakfast. When they are all done I keep Charlie and Goldie in the pen and put the others in the run and close the gate. Now I let Amos and Andy out of the hutch and into the pen with Charlie and Goldie so they can eat too. Goldie chases them around a little bit but doesn't hurt them. I guess they still remember they are still brothers.

I'll keep doing this for a few days before I let Amos and Andy join the wolf pack.


It's a little bit of extra work, but maybe, just maybe it will all work out in the long run. I really want to keep all of them. 

(Oh, by the way, Hubby is still shaking his head)  


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