Saturday, August 10, 2013

Hard Working Hubby....

Hubby works really hard around here.  The house was a mess when we bought it. The original owner only did one upgrade in 30 years and that was about eight years before we bought the house. He had done nothing to the land at all. Nothing. It was like a forest. Trees hung over the house. We had to replace the deck it was so damaged. Some were leaning against each other. The first week we were here we had tree experts come in and take seven of them away from the house. Hubby did the rest:

DH had to put in a road (on the left) so we could get in the back

He cut twelve trees down by himself just to clear that space
That backhoe is worth it's weight in gold (and so is he)!
You can see how big some of these trees were by the size of the roots.

None of the wood went to waste - he has cut and stacked it all ! We heat the house by wood and only use oil for hot water. 

Wish we had moved when we were a lot younger. If you are thinking about getting out and into the country, do it now. While you are still young enough to face the challenges!

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