First, a short video on what you will see when you candle an egg.:
I didn't use this method when Amos, Andy, Goldie and Charlie were just eggs. If I had, I would have known the two other eggs were not fertile. Maybe, and that's a BIG maybe, if I ever decide to hatch chicks again, I will candle the eggs. A lot of time can be saved wondering if any are not fertilized. A dark room using a simple flashlight will work fine.
A bunch of chicks that grow up together will get along much better than if you try to introduce new chicks to an established flock. (Now how would I know that)???
Here's the chart on what you could see:

You could spend a fortune on incubator and candling equipment, but sometimes the simple, natural way using a broody hen is the best way for most of us backyard chicken lovers.

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