Monday, April 25, 2016

Busy weekend

Took the tarp off the coop and the pen roof and got rid of the plastic around three sides of the pen. 
I'll take the other side off once I know the weather will stay warm. The tarp and the plastic were loaded with spiders - yuck!  There were also mushrooms growing under the plastic and along the bottom of the fence.

Everything got a good cleaning and sweeping out.  All fresh hay was put down in the pen and the gang had a fine time scratching through it when they went back in!

 The coop had a good cleaning and airing out, too

The poopie bin filled up fast and Charlie was the first one in.

Sorry, Charlie - the girls were NOT interested - (again)!

Went to the store and bought a new growing tray along with lots of seeds.
We will sow the corn right into the ground in a week or two.

 Hubby did the first grass cutting on Saturday. By Sunday afternoon:



  1. Poor Charlie...I would almost feel sorry for him if he weren't trying to entice the girls into a poopie bin. :) Your post reminded me that I need to get seeds for my experimental window sill herb garden. I usually kill off anything grown indoors, but hope springs eternal.

    1. Charlie's motto is "Never give up"! Herbs are wonderful and easy to grow - make sure you include basil I grow a lot and dehydrate it so I have enough to get me through the Winter.

  2. After reading this line, "The tarp and the plastic were loaded with spiders" I imagined the next photo would show the aftermath of a B-52 strike on the tarp and the plastic. (and maybe massed flamethrowers!)
    I do not scream like a little girl when a spider surprises me, my screaming is so high pitched that humans cannot hear it, however, dogs for miles around perk up their ears.
    We were visiting the Montreal Botanical Gardens, and it included the Montreal Insectarium. My wife looks into a display and says look at this, I walk over, lean down, and realize I am looking at a live tarantula from about two inches away and with only a woefully inadequate sheet of glass between us. I did not shriek. I went from preshrieking to teleportation and in an instant I was several feet away.
    When I calmed down we had a rather intense "chat."

    1. I hate spiders. That's why I wear work boots around here. If I ever saw a tarantula, my screams would be heard all the way to Canada! Honest!

  3. We used to get wheat straw from the wheat farmers for our hens. They loved pickin' thru it for wheat heads.

    1. I'd love to have straw for the gang, but it's $8.00 a bale here. Go figure - farm country.... sigh
