It took quite a while to lift all of the poopy, wet hay out of the pen. You can see where all the water from the melting snow collected in the back.
I put down fresh shaving to absorb the rest of the water and then raked them out and put fresh shavings on the mostly dry dirt. All those wet hay and shavings are heavy! Hubby had three dump carts full of the stuff. He put it way, way in the back on top of the rivers of mud past the firewood rows. He'll plant grass seed there in the Spring. With all that fertilizer is should grow well!
Next was lots and lots of fresh hay - it finally smelled good in there. The sun came out, too.
Ahhhh, sun!
I cleaned the coop too and naturally they had to go in and inspect the changes.
Supposed to get a snowstorm Friday afternoon. I sure do hope that is the last one for this season - I'm sooooo tired of that white stuff!

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