Tuesday, March 10, 2015

A magical word


Yep! Glorious, marvelous MUD!

It was very warm out yesterday and the snow is starting to go away in places - not everywhere though, but in spots:

 Still have piles and piles of it around and it will take a long time to get rid of it all.

 Charlie and the girls still will not come out of the pen and when I chase them out to clean it, they just run right back in.

Light snow is forecasted for the weekend, but hopefully it won't be too much!


  1. Yeah, it beats snow, barely, but at least it's warmer.

  2. I promised I will NOT complain about the mud, Gorges! (For a while, at least) :o)

  3. We also have patches of mud n gettng larger buy the day...rain expected all day n tonight so will be a mess ..praying no more snow and for it to dry up so we can get a load of water hauled in :))

    1. Rain is expected here this afternoon - maybe it will wash some of that white stuff away! :o)
