Tuesday, November 4, 2014


After Sunday's wind, Monday was just breezy.  What a big difference a day makes!

This is how the sky looked:

Lucy came out of the pen and spent most of the day in the yard with the others. I was worried about her.

While they were happily digging up my iris bulbs, I cleaned the pen and found bear scat - it looked just like this:


I'm surprised Charlie didn't make any racket, but then again bears are awfully quiet when walking around. I hope I don't see any more. Damn critters are all over the place.


 Charlie, Shirley, Lucy and Laverne (and Chickenmom, too) want to remind you that today is Election Day. Please take 10 minutes of your time and go cast your vote. It is important because it will set the stage for the 2016 elections. Please do your part in helping to take back OUR country.

Thank you!



  1. Beautiful sunrise, but it looks like rain might be on the way. As for the bears, they say that they make great sausage!

  2. It was such a pretty one, Gorges and we could use the rain. Never had sausage made from bear -yet!

  3. We find bear scat at the side of our house from time to time. The neighborhood dogs will bark from a block away, but the ones close by are quiet. Bears scare them.

    1. I don't blame the dogs - bears are not cute cuddly animals - the can kill you in an instant. Especially a mamma with cubs. A neighbor's dog was charged by one two years ago.
