Monday, November 17, 2014

Pic dump

The weather turned nasty and cold this weekend. Charlie and the girls did not want to come out of the pen and the coop. The pen is wrapped in plastic now except for the gate. They hid behind the plastic because it broke the wind. We even had snow flurries yesterday! Today is supposed to be sleet, rain and snow. Such a drastic change from the beginning of last week! I didn't take any pictures of them hiding, so here are some odds and ends:

Our happy scarecrow sitting on the front rail

A beautiful morning sunrise

With the leaves off the trees, we can finally see the mountains!

Charlie's fat butt

Found a pic of Ethel's first egg (2010)

Local cows taking it easy

In other words - not much going on in Coopville......


  1. Looks like everywhere I grew up ... thanks!

    1. Simple pleasures are the best, Rev. Paul - I really don't need the hustle and bustle anymore! We had all that when we were younger. It's nice having the time to do what we want. :o)
