Sunday, March 23, 2014

Need advice...

Can you tell we have lots and lots of woodpeckers?

They are beautiful birds, but do so much damage! Any ideas on how to get rid of them?


  1. They appear to be going after grubs in the trees, which probably mean that the trees are hollow in spots and need cut.(if they're in your lawn). If they were sapsuckers, there should be multiple holes at each site.

    1. Gorges, these trees are enormous and would take a fortune to have cut down. Do you think spraying them with insecticide would help?

  2. G.S. has it right, woodpeckers generally do not go after healthy trees. A arborist should be able to tell you if it is worth the time, effort and money to save the tree(s).
    But arborists professional opinions cost too.
    Looks like it is time to make some firewood.

    1. That's what Hubby does with the trees that he takes down. I bet we spent at least $6,000. since we came here. Hubby can take a lot down by himself, but those others needed the professionals. Maybe if we plug the holes up with steel wool?
