Friday, December 13, 2013


With this cold weather and snow and ice on the ground and in the run, the chickens are not going out in the yard. I have plastic surrounding the pen on three sides to keep the wind and snow out and they are spending all their time there and in the coop. That means there is a lot of poopsies to clean up every day. If I don't clean the pen out every night they would freeze like cement balls. You would need a pickaxe to get them up!

I raked out the ones in the coop (found an egg buried in the hay under the roosting bar - it might have just fallen out - plop!).  With only about 9 -1/2 of sunlight each day, there haven't been too many eggs.   

And it looks like Ethel is molting - not as bad as Charlie had been, but she is loosing her fluffy butt feathers. Charlie's neck is still bare in spots.

If it is nice today, I'll get some of the ice out of the run so they can walk around. We are supposed to get more snow on Saturday.

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