Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Still very cold yesterday, but....

     .... not windy for a change. Plus it was sunny with a beautiful blue sky. 


Charlie and the girls stayed out in the pen all day and didn't have to be 'cooped up' for a change!

They did have a visitor, though:

Mr. Turkey came back and this time stood by the pen gate - I guess he was after the chicken feed.

Laverne and Shirley were curious, but Charlie did NOT like it so close. He kept making warning noises until the turkey left.

When I locked them in for the night, I left some feed on the ground by the poop cart. Maybe he will be back today.


  1. Sounds like you will make a "friend"....

    1. I hope he finds a mate - we love to watch the babies. They are just so darn cute!
