Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Enough already!

The weatherman blessed us with a foot of new snow. How kind of him!

The coop this morning:

The deck gate:

 Charlie and the girls had to wait for breakfast. Hubby making a path for me to get there!


Icicles by the kitchen window:

 The shed:

 In the back of the house:

The cold wind was blowing from the northeast. In the front of the house, the icicles were bent!

Charlie has been really noisy. Poor thing want to get out of the pen, but it's just too darn windy and cold for him and his featherless neck.

 Darn  damn groundhog predicted 6 more weeks of winter .....


  1. Replies
    1. If I could catch him and pick him up, I would wrap his poor neck.
