Monday, July 21, 2014

Charlie gets down 'n dirty!

Nah, don't worry - I wouldn't film Charlie doing his rooster stuff!

Charlie decided to take a dirt bath along with the girls. He usually just sits in the cool dirt under the deck, but this time he went all out!

I have finally figured out to edit my videos. It is a LOT of work! I have to download the video from my camera to the laptop - it goes into a Sony file called" Memories", transfer the video to  Movie Maker, because Blogger won't accept the file from 'Memories'', do the darn edit, and then upload the edited video to YouTube. Then I can download it to Blogger. (IF I can remember to do all the steps in the right order, the video shows up). There will probably not be any edited videos in the future. Sorry 'bout that.

I really, really miss my Sanyo camera.........

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