Friday, January 3, 2014


This was the temperature when I locked the chickens up for the night yesterday at about 4:15. The snow had just started falling, but the wind was howling. I had to change their water 4 times because it kept freezing up.

 Since I'm not going to be outside too much tomorrow, I think I'll take down the tree.

Why does it always take longer to put the stuff away than when you put it all up? And I know darn well I'm going to forget to put something back in the box......


  1. It's 7 here this a.m.......just to cold to have much energy....saw on HJ's blog where u said your chickenss all survived ....glad to hear it!

    1. It's the darn wind that gets 'ya. Thank heavens for thermals! Charlie was quiet all morning and the rest didn't want to come out of the coop. Had to bribe them with warm oatmeal just to get water in food in them. Watched them eat and then they went back in!
