Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Queen

Put the chickens away last night and there was a big fight in the coop. The Evil One started it again.

 The temperature had dropped 20 degrees during the afternoon before it started to rain.
The coop was nice and warm and all wanted to nest under the light bulb.

( Glad I had my camera with me: I crawled through the ramp (don't laugh) hatch an took these pics.

Notice the dirty look she is giving me? )

She rules - everyone else had to stay on the roosting bar....

queen crown photo: Queen of england's crown ac2638fb.jpg


  1. Lol...quite the queen B isn't she :))

    1. Ethel is soooo mean - but she is my favorite. I'll be heartbroken when she finally kicks the bucket.
      (no pun intended) LOL :0)
