Monday, July 25, 2016

Step into the time machine......

To all the young whipper-snappers out there,  please take just a few minutes to look and listen
to how convention coverage was handled back in the days when we were civilized.

Eight years later, all hell broke loose in Chicago. We changed forever.

(This was how we got our news. Notice the great commercials?
 And to think this was only 56 years ago.....)

Good Night, Chet.  Good Night, David.



  1. Ah yes, the America that used to be ... one which our children will probably never know.

    1. Let's just hope things change and the young don't have to learn about it from You Tube videos, Rev. Paul.

  2. Well, that was a stroll down memory lane!! I remember each state was called by name and they cast their delegate votes for the candidates of their choice. Do they even do that any more? These days it seems more like a coronation. Newscasters like Huntley and Brinkley were trusted - unlike newscasters now.

    1. So true! And even now with the inter-net and the truth out there for all to see, they listen to comics who pretend to be journalists.
