Wednesday, July 20, 2016


Was walking over by the garden the other day ad saw this black patch on the ground:

Went over to take a better look. It was moving!

Ants! Thousand of them!

My trusty can of Raid took good care of 'em.

This little fellow has been hanging around by the deck a lot:

 I kind of feel sorry for him - he's so thin. He doesn't run away when he see's me, though.

Maybe another pet addition to Coopville?



  1. Mama instincts...I've been feeding 2 cat bums since Spring...along with our 3.

    1. Don't see many stray cats here. I think the coyotes get to them first.
      If one did come around, I would probably feed it, though.

  2. Aww, poor little guy....we have been encouraging the all veggie scraps to the edge of the property. It is fun to watch them run across the yard. The other day, three were gathered, having a little meeting, and Lucy saw them and took off after them...they split up each running a different direction, it was hysterical watching Lucy figure out which one to chase! She didn't catch a one....but she sure tries! ; )

    1. They are cute when babies. But they will grow up to eat everything you have in your garden! If you want to keep a few around, give them a pen and a hutch to live in. And name the first one "Bugs"! :o)
