Thursday, July 14, 2016

Game time!

Laverne and Maude seem to like hiding from Charlie. They are doing this every day now!

That's hubby on the lawn tractor. For some reason, Charlie is annoyed at with it.

Usually the noise from the tractors doesn't bother them at all. Since Charlie is molting, he has been  really, really grumpy. He's even attacked the back of my leg. A good swat on his butt with the broom usually stops his nonsense for a while.



  1. Is that a selfie with the broom?

    1. I am beginning to feel for Charlie. The ladies are hiding from him. He is molting. There is a scary mower running around and he gets whacked with a broom. Its a wonder he is not developing a complex.

    2. Ha! You guys always stick together! :o)

  2. Your first video is private..I cannot view...; ( BW, I hope she smacks you with that broom!! ; P

  3. My granny used to chase us with the broom when she got irritated with us...when we were bad children...BUT...if we could make her laugh...well, I NEVER got swatted with it! LOL, I was a very funny girl. ; )

  4. Aw, they're just trying to get him to look for them and then chase them.
    ...the long hot summer, and all...

    1. He doesn't bother with Laverne any more, so she's safe. But, oh my, poor little Maude!
