Thursday, June 9, 2016

Damp, chilly & windy

It was more like late March than June yesterday. Cloudy in the morning and rain and wind in the afternoon. And unseasonably cold. The temp didn't even reach 50 degrees here.

The sunflower seeds are stating to grow!

 Look down at the gang from the deck. Laverne finally joined them:

 Here she is eating her store bought egg. She nibbled on the spaghetti squash, too.

 These holes in the coop are drilled by 'wood bees'. They are huge (the bees, that is). I keep a flyswatter hanging on the pen gate. Hubby has filled in a bunch of holes that they have made in the coop. We had a problem with them last year, too.

 This old wash tub is usually filled with flowers, but this year I'm going to put in baby
 cucumbers and put chicken wire around it to keep the critters out:

 A perky peony:

 If it had been sunny and warm, the rose would have probably opened. Maybe tomorrow!



  1. What the heck is going on with Laverne CM? When my birds ate eggs I was told that it was because they were after the shell for their crops... The guys at the hatchery sold us a few bags of crushed oyster shell to add to their feed.

    She seems to be eating the yolk though... I hope she's okay...

    1. She's old, Glen. She usually sleeps most of the day and doesn't eat much anymore. Grit and cracked corn are always added to the feed, so it's not that. She seems to like eggs and since she does eat them, I'll give them to her. She never goes near Maud's eggs, though. She's been a good hen, I don't mind spoiling her.

  2. Replies
    1. And oh, the faint, sweet aroma of them! A house down the road has hundreds of them all along the front of their property - just beautiful!
