Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Old Button Box

When I was a very little girl, I would sit on the floor by my Mother's feet while she sewed or did her crocheting.

To keep me quiet, she would take out the 'button box' and have me string matching buttons together.

My Mother grew up in the Depression and had a very, very hard life when she was young and was taught well by my Grandmother to save whatever was useful. So when clothing was totally worn out, she would cut the buttons off to be used again on another garment.

 I still cut them off old clothes and add them to the box. They will probably never be used again and I really don't know why I do it.  I think Mom would approve though......


  1. From where I am sitting I can see two mason jars full of buttons, many of which came from worn out clothing. I grew up in what some would call a "cheap" household. I prefer "frugal." :) And yes, my mother would also be proud.

    1. Isn't it funny how we still do things that we learned from our mothers. I bet there are hundreds and hundreds of buttons in that box. I find it quite comforting just to look through it - always brings back nice memories and a smile.

  2. The nice thing is that you know the story of some of them.

    1. Buttons from my Girls Scout uniform is the first pic. Buttons from all my family members are in there, too. They are nice to have, Gorges. No one else would want them - they would only see buttons, not any story behind them. My boys used to string them when they were little, but they probably wouldn't remember that.

  3. It was the same in our house and grandma's :))

    1. One good thing about them - we never, ever have to buy any! :o)

  4. Wow - memories. I STILL have my Mumma's button box, it rests under my desk and - I have some of those same buttons. Some abalone, some just... well, different. Lots of plastic, but many glass ones too. I took out some of the steel cut ones to keep for 'special', but special what?? I guess special memories...

    Thanks for posting, it is nice to think there are kindred spirits out there!!

    Cap'n Jan

    1. Yup - there are a lot made of glass, shells and ivory. Probably Grandma's. I find the older I get, the more nostalgic I become for the 40's & 50's. I often wonder what today's kids will treasure - cell phones, ear buds and IPads?. I pity them, really I do! :o)
