Friday, January 16, 2015


... a beautiful day in Coopville although quite cold.

Charlie is happy his feet aren't getting wet for a change!

 Everyone was looking for something that was green or that moved:

 Still have lots of ice and I have to be careful where I walk.

 They looked at every patch of bare dirt and spent quite a bit of time just scratching in it.

 Gave them their rice treat on the sunny cement. You would think I starved them to death the way they were gobbling it up!

 Hubby bringing in some more wood. We've had that Wheel Horse tractor since 1990. Doesn't owe us a cent!

 The darn deer still come by every day. It's fun to watch the young ones frolic and play, but I haven't seen the one that was limping for a long time.

They usually bed down behind the rock wall. Think I'll ask Hubby to take a look and see if it is back there.


  1. You have a nice spot. How much land do you have?

    1. Thanks! It's a wee tad under 4 acres. Hubby has taken down a lot of trees in the 5 years that we have been here.
