Monday, February 5, 2018

A what???

I want a couple of these!!!! Just look at those eyes!!!

From Wikipedia:

The vulturine guinea fowl is a large (61–71 cm) bird with a round body and small head. It has a longer wings, neck, legs and tail than other guineafowl. The adult has a bare blue face and black neck, and although all other guinea fowl have unfeathered heads, this species looks particularly like a vulture because of the long bare neck and head.
The slim neck projects from a cape of long, glossy, blue and white hackles. The breast is cobalt blue, and the rest of the body plumage is black, finely spangled with white. The wings are short and rounded, and the tail is longer than others in the family Numididae.
The sexes are similar, although the female is usually slightly smaller than the male and with smaller tarsal spurs. Young birds are mainly grey-brown, with a duller blue breast and short hackles.


The vulturine guineafowl is a gregarious species, forming flocks outside the breeding season typically of about 25 birds. This species' food is seeds and small invertebrates. This guineafowl is terrestrial, and will run rather than fly when alarmed. Despite the open habitat, it tends to keep to cover, and roosts in trees. It makes loud chink-chink-chink-chink-chink calls.
It breeds in dry and open habitats with scattered bushes and trees, such as savannah or grassland. It usually lays 4-8 cream-coloured eggs in a well-hidden grass-lined scrape.

Guess I ain't getting any.
 I just looked up how much they cost. 
See for yourself:



  1. I think Hubby should get you a breeding pair for Valentine's Day. If that's too soon, how about your birthday or anniversary. I think such gifts are quite romantic, how about you?

    1. Alas, Judy - they are just too expensive! After being married for 52 years, Hubby wouldn't think so, but it would make the PERFECT gift for me! LOL!

    2. It's only 1,500 dollars for a juvenile pair! Pshaw, pocket change. Who needs lights, heating oil, food and other such frivolous things! They are as expensive as a good side-by-side refrigerator! ;>)

    3. At that price, I would be afraid to let them out of the coop! They are lovely, though. Hubby thinks they are too ugly! He doesn't like vultures. They really are amazing birds!

  2. Hmmmm. He has a hairline like mine. I wonder if we're related, HAR HAR HAR!!!

    1. Dang it, Glen - you just might be the cutest one of the entire
      flock then! :o)

    2. Don't want to toot my own horn, CM - but I've been told by people that know that I am a chick magnet!

    3. It's the goggles, Glen - the goggles...... :o)
