Friday, May 29, 2015

Just an ordinary day

Just love the new roof on the pen! It looks so much better than the tarps. Chicken wire covers the entire top of the pen so no critters can get in. I just hope it holds up under the snow this winter.

Poor Charlie is still wheezing. He's eating, drinking and chasing Laverne all around. I don't know what is wrong with him, but it doesn't seem to slow him down at all.  His neck is starting to look like he's part ostrich! He still thinks he's handsome, though.

 Maude and Sophia are starting to go out in the pen more. They loved to be held and petted.

So nice to see GREEN again!

 The thunderstorms that we were supposed to get, went around us again.  That meant no rain which we really need.

Our water barrels that we use for the flowers and veggies are empty, but rain is forecasted for Saturday. For once I won't mind it at all.

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