Thursday, October 16, 2014


Decided to clean the coop before the rain starts.

 Took the waterer out of the coop and the one in the pen. Scrubbed them both and added 1/2 cap full of apple cider vinegar to each. This helps with their digestion


Raked out all the poop on the floor under the roosting bar. All the clean hay was pushed to the side.

Fresh shavings were scattered on the bare floor and the older hay is used to cover it.

Hay is expensive at $5.00 a bale, so I try to make the most of it. Soiled hay is always discarded.

Fresh hay is added to the coop. I try to make it deep enough so that when they jump off the roost they don't land on the hard floor. Their tootsies like that extra cushion of hay.

The nest boxes are filled with fresh hay, too!

This is Lucy's favorite place to take a nap. I make sure she has a nice comfy spot to rest. She will bite Laverne and Shirley if they try to use it.

All clean .... until the next time!

The end!

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