Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Big mouth

Charlie woke me up at 4:30 yesterday - And I was really tired the rest of the day. BUT chicken stuff still had to get done, so they got their breakfast of feed, oatmeal, fresh water and a pancake for all of them to share at 7 o'clock. It was soooo cold out!

Hubby is still bringing in firewood to keep us warm. I don't know what we would do if we didn't have that backhoe to do all the heavy lifting.

Still have lots of snow and ice and tonight our weather forecaster is calling for temps around 4 degrees.

I hope Charlie keep his big mouth shut until the sun comes up. That's what roosters are supposed to do - wait for the sun...right?


  1. Lol....somebody has to wake the sun...Stay warm n safe...temps going to near 0 here in the next couple of fays as well :((

    1. Charlie is really such a good rooster, but he needs a muffler on his it mouth at times! Please stay warm also. It's going to be darn cold for at least another week.
