Wednesday, November 22, 2017

This was a surprise!

Has a light dusting of SNOW the other day!

It was pretty, - but glad it didn't last long !

Charlie eating his mealy worms - he loves 'em!

It was to windy, so he went pack to the pen - the side are covered in plastic sheeting to keep out the drafts on a windy day. When it is nice out, I just roll the plastic down.

The start of a beautiful sunset last night:

Part of the sky was pink.

But this was the best color:

Just a sliver of the moon:



  1. It took me a moment to figure out what the surprise was. I guess I've gotten used to having snow on the ground already.

    1. LOL, Sixbears! I guess you've seen more snow than we have by this time!
      'Hope you and your family have a wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving!
