Thursday, September 17, 2015

Evening is nice, too!

I like the way the shadows fall across the lawn right before the sun goes behind the mountain:

When all the leaves are gone, Coopville will look so different!

 Oh! The girls have not pulled any of Charlie's new feathers out yet. Seven of them are look like Q-tips and some look like tiny paint brushes. I don't think they are going to grow in fast enough to keep his neck warm this Winter, though. He's still molting.

Poor, poor Charlie!


  1. You have a very nice place. From the pictures it looks like a park.

    As for Charlie, perhaps a scarf for the winter?

    1. Thank you, BW! Hubby has worked very hard for six years to get it to look like this! The property was mostly woods when we bought it. I'll have to find pictures of what it looked like when we moved here and post them.

  2. Hope his feathers come in... I shaved my dog on Tuesday, and I swear, I could shave him again today. When dogs decide to put out coat, it is with a vengeance. Perhaps it will be so with Charlie... Don't know about chickens.

    Fair Winds,

    Cap'n Jan

    1. If the girls don't pull the new ones out, it may take almost another 10-12 weeks. I would be happy if just most of the bald spots fill in with fuzzies! :o)
