Monday, September 7, 2015

Do chickens have teeth?

Sometimes I really think they do!!!

This is compliments of Sophia. I was sitting on my favorite stump in the pen giving the gang treats the other day.

I had a Ziploc bag full of plain spaghetti for them. Charlie likes to be hand fed his. Shirley and Laverne are always gentle when they take food. Maude and Sophia however, have not learned to wait their turn. They jumped up in my lap and started attacking the bag and when I pulled it away, I was bitten! Boy, did that hurt!

I screamed, M & S flew off into the run, Charlie started squawking and flapping his wings. But Laverne and Shirley calmly stood there waiting for more. I just emptied the bag of spaghetti on a pile of hay in the pen and left to get a band-aid. A big band-aid....

Stupid chickens.........


  1. I think I would have done some serious chicken swatting!

    1. I think my yelling scared her enough, Gorges! She'll learn to be nice or she won't get a treat. LOL

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, BW - Sophia is young yet -She'll get the hang of it :o)

  3.'d never heard of "Hen's Teeth" before?

    1. LOL - guess they are not as "rare" as I thought they were! Thanks for stoppin' by! :o)
