Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Poor Little .....

                   ............ Amos and Andy! Everyone is picking on them except Charlie. Goldie is the worst, then Ethel  and finally, Lucy. I guess it's because they are so much smaller than the rest and are easy targets.

There is some, but not a lot of fighting going on in the coop in the morning. Very loud squabbles but no blood or feathers flying around. Breakfast is two separate feeders and there IS fighting over this.

I think I'll take A & A out of the coop in the morning and feed them first in the locked run then let the others out to eat in the pen. After everyone is finished they can all go scratch in the yard while I clean up the doo-doo.

Maybe if I keep doing this they will forget they were ever fighting! It's worth a try. If not, maybe the vegetable stand man will take Amos and Andy. Don't want to do that though. Not really....


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