Saturday, October 26, 2013


Decided to keep Goldie away from Lucy during the day. The "Blue Goop" isn't stopping him at all as he had it smeared all over his beak.

Ethel won't tolerate him, but I don't know how much longer that will last. He is a big, strong rooster.
And he can run mighty fast. It's like a game for him - "Catch A Hen". Charlie eyes Ethel a lot and keeps trying, getting lucky only once in a while. 


The weather had turned cold and I didn't want to drag the chick hutch back into the pen for him to sleep in. 

Maybe my neighbors will want him for their chickens?

Just maybe, just maybe, they will say yes.

Or should I get more hens?


  1. Replies
    1. Way, way too late, Jon! That has to be done when they are babies yet - two or three weeks old. I couldn't do it anyway - I could watch it being done to another rooster, but not one of mine!
