Monday, May 20, 2013

....Whew! What  now?  I drag the chick hutch in the pen (it is heavy and awkward).  I bought and put it together (with NO parts left over)  when the original six were just too small for the coop and too big for the plastic tub.

I fill it with lots of hay and a baby chick water thingy and some feed. Oscar and Nina settle settle in and settle down.  I open the coop door and Ethel and Lucy charge out and see the hutch with the newbies in it. Evil One flies straight up like a chopper and lands on the roof. Lucy is too lazy to fly that high so she just tries to bite them through the chicken wire.
Oh, what did I go and do........ This backyard chicken stuff is not as easy and fun as the books tell 'ya it is!


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