Wednesday, January 7, 2015

More of the same

Cold and snow again! (Just gotta have a picture of that thermometer!)

The waterer kept freezing up and had to be changed a couple of times

The inside of it. The one in the coop was frozen solid, too.

The pen fence gate is open but the gang can't decide whether to go out or not:

They did, but not for long!

That's all the sunshine we had for the day (around 4pm)

 Hubby clearing a path for me to walk on.

 More deer - some of them were quite thin and one was limping.

It's going to be really, really cold the next couple of days here in Joisey......


  1. I think you are getting what we just finished up with. It was brutal.

    1. Tonight & tomorrow is going to be the worst of it - wind chills supposed to be in minus teens. Brrrr!

  2. Replies
    1. I you are dressed right the cold isn't so horrible - it's the wind that makes it worse. Suppose to be blowing over 40 mph overnight. 'Hope no trees come down.
