Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Just stuff...

An interesting bug:  It had the wings of a fly,  red eyes and a white stripe on it's butt!

Our deck lights at night:

Had rain Monday night and this was the sky Tuesday morning:

I let the gang out in the yard for about an hour. That's how long it took to clean out the coop, the run and the pen. All fresh shavings, hay and straw was put down. It smelled sooooo good!

Wilma pecking at Charlie's neck.
(He got even with her later on)!

It was hot again but today should be a wee bit cooler!


  1. I'm not sure what's going on, but the two vids just kept spinning, and when they did come was Looney Tunes:))

    1. So sorry Mamahen - they are fine when I see them - try refreshing. This is why I hate what is going on with Blogger......

    2. It may have just been my crazy phone 😵
