Friday, August 10, 2018

Boid stuff

Charlie going bonkers over Cheerios :

He lost one of his gigantic spurs - the stump was bloody:

It was huge!

An eagle or a hawk:

Lots of little wild birds share the feeder with the gang. This poor little fella got caught and
 they started pecking at it. I tried to save it, but it was too badly hurt. 
When I took the feeder apart, it dragged itself under the coop. Don't think it made it
 through the night. Poor little thing. 



  1. Poor Charlie, and the other like guy. I don't like seeing things in pain...even birds:((

  2. Charlie's spur broke off when he was being frisky with one of the girls - was limping for a day! Felt so badly for the little bird, but I couldn't reach it when it went under the coop as there is deer netting all around it.
