Monday, January 15, 2018

Oh, boy.....

I totally LOST all my pics when I tried to put them on discs for safe keeping. I have no idea where they went. They are not on the discs, that's for sure....

These were in the camera, so that's all I have: 

It warmed up on Friday and

all the snow melted:

The balmy weather didn't last long though -  Saturday and Sunday were freezing again!

I came down with some kind of bug....

Not in the mood to go through the laptop to look for the pics - I know they are in there SOMEWHERE......

I'll try to figure out where my pictures went off to on some other day.....

Sniffle, sniffle



  1. After a while if you don't seem to be getting better, you have to get some medical help.

    This year's bug seems to be a Trojan Horse for other sickness.

    I have been a perfect patient though, non-complaining, and a pure joy to be around even when I was very ill. (my wife's opinion may differ a teensy bit)

    Seriously, keep an eye on this and take care.

  2. ...I'm feeling a bit "buggy" too.
    Laying low, no posting for me today.
    Poor Us'n's!

  3. Had that bug the day after New Years. Still getting over it. take care.

  4. A bunch of people here have had the bug, and it seems to quickly turn into pneumonia, especially for us younger seniors...
    The word is: Wash your hands a lot, push fluids, take care, and see the doc!

  5. Honey, garlic and fluids. Sorry to hear that you have been attacked by an 'ugly bug'. Rest and be well.

  6. As others have mentioned this years 'bug' is no joke. Both my boss and I were hard down for two weeks. He lost his voice for a week. This is week four for me and my lungs are still recovering.

  7. Sorry I have taken so long to get back to everyone - I really do appreciate you all stopping by for a visit! I sure do hope each and every one of you are better by now!
