Wednesday, June 8, 2016


Sunrise in Coopville:

 These little flowers grow all over the place:

 More droopy peonies:

Lilies - we have hundreds of them lining the front stone wall and the driveway.
Can't wait until they all bloom!

 Charlie and the girls. Poor Laverne - by the time she finally walked over to them, they were ready to come back. She is really slowing down now and sleeps most of the day. She's not in any pain so I let her do whatever she wants. The only thing she eats now are eggs. I went to the store and got her a dozen. She won't let Maude or Charlie have a taste of them, either!

 Storm clouds:

It rained and then cleared:

And rained some more:

And the temperature really dropped!



  1. Daylilies! Do they bloom orange, of different colors?
    I have them too, and even on the other side of the nation, they're all budding like yours are.

    Poor Laverne...

    1. Mostly all an orangey color. They are the only ones I cut and bring into the house. Every year there is more and more of them! :o)

  2. They're called "Daylilies" because each bloom last a day, and every day there is a new one. Orange is pretty much their default color. I have some colors that have stayed true for more than 10 years now without reverting to their default orange. I have a lot of paprika reds, 2 purple, one white, a bright gold, and a sort of apricot with a reddish throat. I could send you root cuttings...

    1. Thanks! Will take you up on that if mine turn out to be ALL orange! :o)

  3. Love daylilies, they are hardy and will self propagate.
    Can't wait to see yours in full bloom.

    1. Your wish is my command!

      Enjoy! :o)
