Friday, April 22, 2016

Busy Hubby!

Hubby is starting to clear our land in back of the stone wall. He's taken down some small trees and made some roads.

 Parts of our  property haven't been touched since the house was built in 1979.

 I found a lot of plastic bags that were buried under the brush. Some of them were little parts bags from when the gutters were put on the house! Plastic sure does take a loooong time to disintegrate!


 Don't know what this vine was at one time - now it's just fuzzy. A lot of the trees back here have them.

 We'll never use all this, but at least it will be cleared. It's a good buffer if anyone moves into the house way in back of us.

 Hubby clearing the brush:

 View of the house and barn from in back of the rock wall

 Now all we need is some gravel!

Yup! That gets added to the long  'wish list' too!



  1. The "vine" looks like poison ivy vine, though it could be Virginia Creeper, also. For your hubby's sake, I hope it's the latter.

    1. He hasn't touched it, Gorges - those trees are still good. Thank heavens!

  2. What Gorges said! Yikes, if it is poison ivy!

    1. I didn't touch it either, Judy! There is a swamp back there and when it fills up, we stay away!
