Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Kinda quiet....

... around here in Coopville. Not too much to do outside, so Hubby hooked the cart to the tractor and gathered a bunch of sticks to burn.

It's surprising how much heat it throws! Should be nice when everything is covered with snow.
 We'll be able to stay outside longer. Gotta get  another bag of marshmallows!

The gang is not too impressed with the wreath:

Maybe I'll add some twinkle lights.......



  1. That looks a lot classier than my old truck rim! lol

    1. If we had an old rim Gorges, we would have used it! Sorry I took so long to reply - having internet problems today!

  2. When I was a kid I had bantams, aracanas, Plymouth Rocks and Red Sussex birds along with some other exotics. The reds and the rocks were the best - they were warm and friendly delighted in tormenting my parents. Poor Mom nearly knocked all their heads off when they dug up her flower beds. It was weird - they would dig fox holes and roll around and ruffle the dirt through their feathers. Pop said that is how they bathe. They were experts at breaking into the house and sneaking in with us kids.

    1. The girls are mostly Rhode Island Reds. Charlie mom was one and his dad was a Wyandotte bantam. They would LOVE to get into the house, but then Hubby would make sure that we had chicken dinners five night in a row! :o)
