Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Heavens to Murgatroyd

Would you believe the email spell checker did not recognize the word murgatroyd?

                    Lost Words from our childhood:

Words gone as fast as the buggy whip! Sad really! The other day a not so elderly (65) lady said something to her son about driving a Jalopy and he looked at her quizzically and said what the heck is a Jalopy? OMG (new phrase!) he never heard of the word jalopy!!

So they went to the computer and pulled up a picture from the movie
"The Grapes of Wrath." Now that was a Jalopy!

She knew she was old but not that old...

I hope you are Hunky Dory after you read this and chuckle...


by Richard Lederer

About a month ago, I illuminated some old expressions that have become
obsolete because of the inexorable march of technology. These phrases
included "Don't touch that dial," "Carbon copy," "You sound like a broken
record" and "Hung out to dry." A bevy of readers have asked me to shine
light on more faded words and expressions, and I am happy to oblige:

Back in the olden days we had a lot of moxie. We'd put on our best bib and
tucker and straighten up and fly right.

Hubba-Hubba! We'd cut a rug in some juke joint and then go necking and
petting and smooching and spooning and billing and cooing and pitching
woo in hot rods and jalopies in some passion pit or lovers lane.

Heavens to Betsy!  Gee whillikers!  Jumping Jehoshaphat!   Holy moley!

We were in like Flynn and living the life of Riley, and even a regular guy couldn't accuse us of being a knucklehead, a nincompoop or a pill. Not for all the tea in China!

Back in the olden days, life used to be swell, but when's the last time  anything was swell?

Swell has gone the way of beehives, pageboys and the D.A.; of spats, knickers, fedoras, poodle skirts, saddle shoes and pedal pushers.

Oh, my aching back. Kilroy was here, but he isn't anymore.

Like Washington Irving's Rip Van Winkle and Kurt Vonnegut's Billy Pilgrim, we have become unstuck in time. We wake up from what surely has been
just a short nap, and before we can say, I'll be a monkey's uncle! or This is a fine kettle of fish! We discover that the words we grew up with, the words that seemed omnipresent as oxygen, have vanished with scarcely a notice from our tongues and our pens and our keyboards.

Poof, poof, poof go the words of our youth, the words we've left behind. We blink, and they're gone, evanesced from the landscape and wordscape of our perception, like Mickey Mouse wristwatches, hula hoops, skate keys, candy
cigarettes,  little wax bottles of colored sugar water and an organ grinders monkey.

Where have all those phrases gone? Long time passing. Where have all those phrases gone? Long time ago: Pshaw. 

Think about the starving Armenians.   Bigger than a bread box.

 he milkman did it.  Banned in Boston.   The very idea!    It's your nickel. Don't forget to pull the chain.  Knee high to a grasshopper.

Turn-of-the-century.      Iron curtain.       Domino theory.

Fail safe.
Civil defense.      Fiddlesticks!

You look like the wreck of the Hesperus.     

Going like sixty.      I'll see you in the funny papers.

Don't take any wooden nickels.     Heavens to Murgatroyd!

And awa-a-ay we go!     
Oh, my stars and garters!  The Katz Pajamas. 
It turns out there are more of these lost words and expressions
than Carter had liver pills.

This can be disturbing stuff, this winking out of the words of our youth,
these words that lodge in our heart's deep core. But just as one never
steps into the same river twice, one cannot step into the same language twice.
Even as one enters, words are swept downstream into the past, forever
making a different river.

We of a certain age have been blessed to live in changeling times. For a
child each new word is like a shiny toy, a toy that has no age. We at the
other end of the chronological arc have the advantage of remembering
there are words that once did not exist and there were words that once
strutted their hour upon the earthly stage and now are heard no more,
 except in our collective memory. It's one of the greatest advantages of
aging.  We can have archaic and eat it, too?

See ya later, alligator!


  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0bidd0Uhvk

    I will bet you knew I was going to do that.

  2. "See ya later, alligator!"

    After while crocodile!

    1. Haven't hear that since Hector was a pup!

    2. Even closer to now: "Far out man" "Groovy" "Shine it on" (Thankfully)

    3. Even closer to now: "Far out man" "Groovy" "Shine it on" (Thankfully)

    4. Cool, man! Now you're on the trolley!

  3. Want to feel really old? The "save" icon on a computer is a graphic of a 3.5 disk. Kids today never used that format.

    Kinda makes me feel like a hog on ice.

    1. LOL! Remember when you had to use that disk to boot up the computer? :o)

    2. I remember when we loaded programs with a cassette tape on a Radio Shack Model 1 without an expansion interface.
      And I think I have a copy of the book "A Hog on Ice" somewhere around here.

    3. I dropped one of those huge reel back-up tapes once & it unwound all over the 'computer room' floor- boss man was NOT a happy camper...

  4. Ah yer all just a buncha young whippersnappers! ;-)

  5. You forgot Church Key send a kid looking for one see what you get

    1. Another good one, Chams90! Couldn't open that bottle of Nehi root beer without one!

  6. Kinda makes me feel like a fish out of water.

  7. This is how folks talked when I was growing up! America was great then!

    1. Just love the old expressions too, Mr. Rat! If we choose wisely next year, we can be great again! :o)

  8. The one that I hope to never hear again, Iron Lung. Glad that one is gone.

  9. "GOT!!!" a Church Key.....how about, on the same note especially old military types, a "John Wayne or aka a "P-38???????"
    any takers???
    Got "C-RATS??"......OUTLAW!!!!!,

  10. "GOT!!!" a Church Key.....how about, on the same note especially old military types, a "John Wayne or aka a "P-38???????"
    any takers???
    Got "C-RATS??"......OUTLAW!!!!!,

    1. Ha! When my brother was in the Army, he called them C-rats, too! They really must have been horrible to eat!
