Friday, September 20, 2013

Cooped Up

Ethel and Lucy have been staying in the pen and the run along with the boys. They have always had the run of the yard when I am outside.  We have hawks, eagles, foxes and coyotes around so I have to keep an eye on them. Oscar would always give a warning squawk if he saw something.

The little guys are just not ready to 'free range' yet. If they take off for the woods, they would be goners. I don't want to be chasing them all over the place with a net. Been there. Done that.

Once all of them are eating and roaming around in the pen and run together, I'll try to fence in a large area of the yard with chicken wire and let them scratch in there. Once they get use to following Ethel and Lucy,  they can all be let out at the same time. And I can clean up all the poop. Again.

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