Friday, July 1, 2016

Horsing around

Neighbor came over Wednesday night and asked if I would mind giving his horses some
 hay around eleven o'clock each day. Me, mind??????

Couldn't wait  - I was chomping at the bit!

There are three of them!

 There is nothing so soft as a friendly horse's muzzle:

It was always of dream of mine to be owned by a horse... sigh...



  1. Lucky you. Get to enjoy being with them and just a little care. If you think cleaning up after three chickens is a mess try three horses...just sayin....

  2. LOL! That's why I enjoy their horses so much - I don't have to clean up after them! :o)

    1. What she didn't tell you was that she had one. A quarter horse named Lola. She also had a bull but not at the same time. Ask her about that story.


  4. Replies
    1. Awwww - don't be. I'll post pics of them more often!

  5. I really enjoyed my first horse. Sadly, I didn't really have time for the second one, so I sold it years ago.

    1. At least you were lucky enough to have had one, Gorges. I made a big mistake not buying one when I was young. He was beautiful - half Arab and half Mustang. And short, like me!

  6. Please let Mr. Filthie know that you and your feathered flock are armed to the TEETH...and I said so..LOL...he should know of what I speak...or he may refer to BW's blog. : )

    1. Even his Sgt. Preston wouldn't dare to trespass on Coopville! LOL!

  7. I miss having a herd of horses, and riding daily. Someday I will have another.

    1. I would have loved to have had one, Brig. There is just something about horses... :o)

  8. That last picture is so true... I have never outgrown my passion for horses! I started riding at 5 years old, well into my teens before 'boys' entered my radar... Then into my 20's and the sea... Dogs have been omnipresent in my life, but I still yearn for the days of horses! When we return from our 2 year hiatus at sea and, once again, have a dirt house I may opt to rescue an old horse or two. Just pasture ornaments, as I am too old to ride now (we don't bounce as well as we used to and I am far out of practice in a saddle). But just to have them around. So many old horses meet a horrid fate. I'd like to give a couple a good 'rest of their life'. Dogs too... Always with the dogs, but the older I get, the older the dogs that I rescue will have to be, as I do not want them to outlive me.

    Again, though, you are fortunate to have such good neighbors! I am sure the people are fine too ;->

    1. Would be wonderful if you pasture out some old horses and let them enjoy life. Our neighbor has rescue dogs and had adopted mustangs in the past too. Great animal lovers and nice people!
