Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Took a walk around some of the property yesterday and noticed more holes in the trees. We have lots and lots of woodpeckers. Hubby has had to take some trees down in the past - they do an awful lot of damage. There is even one that drills at a telephone pole across the road!


 Too bad they are not as cute as this fella:
  Remember him?

And.....Sophia DID lay another egg:

She must have been in the nest box with Maude  - the eggs were both still warm!



  1. The last hole is a scar from an old limb that probably tore off in the wind many years ago. Generally, woodpeckers don't drill unless they know there are bugs or grubs inside.

    1. Thanks, Gorges! Glad it wasn't a woodpecker - he would have been HUGE! :o)
      Hubby and I were surprised with the telephone pole - always thought they were treated with chemicals!
