Monday, March 28, 2016

Charlie's love shack.....

Poor Charlie! Not even Laverne is interested!

Maybe he should have played some music.....



  1. Thanks! I needed an ear worm today, to replace the one that I had. (I love this song, never get sick of it.)

    My Daddy had one of those "Chryslers as Big as a Whale!". 1966 Chrysler. That was the year I turned 16. That thing had so much power when you stepped on the gas the planet moved in opposition!!

    Thanks for the fun,

    Cap'n Jan

    1. I gave myself an ear worm after finding that old tune! Loved the big cars. :o)

  2. Great post, especially "Love Shack". It is obvious Charlie needs more hens.

  3. He really, really does, but he will have a looong wait!

  4. Well I for one am thoroughly disgusted with this post! Charlie's scandalous behaviour is shameful, and I am strongly tempted to send a scathing letter to the blog management about this sinful poultry powered speakeasy!!! Those $#%^& birds should be ASHAMED of themselves!!!!

    Frankly, this is why I hang out with turkeys rather than chickens!

    Good DAY, Madame!!!!

    1. LOL! Charlie wishes he had more of those $#%^& hens! I think he may part I-talian..... :o) B/T/W: Turkeys just ain't no fun at all...

    2. Actually, turkeys are a real pain... both the feathered and simian varieties.

