Friday, July 24, 2020

Ther're back!

The fawns paid us a visit again. Didn't see their mamas, though.

This little fella is just adorable!

Guess I got a little bit too close!

The corn is starting to get tall:

Getting the gang ready for nite-nite:

They cackle and squawk, but settle down quickly..

... until Benji decides to wake up at 3:30 in the morning ... sigh.



  1. When married to my ex, we had peacocks for awhile. They could wake you from dead sleep in the wee hours of the morning for sure:((

    1. When we bought this home we found the previous owner had left his peacock here in the woods. Could not get near it but you are right. You could hear that thing for miles. I guess it eventually let every fox for miles where it lived.

    2. I've only seen two around here - beautiful birds! :o)

  2. It's been a long time since corn has tassled in my yard.

    1. The dang deer usually get to it by now, Gorges! Maybe I'll get one ear of it this year! :o)
