Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Not much.....

..... happened in Coopville since Monday...

We woke up to snow:


 then it all melted when the temp went up to 52 degrees!

Yesterday was cloudy and cool

Got really low on chicken feed, so it was off to Tractor Supply to get more.

Treats for the gang - they get bored when there is nothing to scratch at:

They really do enjoy it!

Just a pic of the neighbor's horses near the barn:

I wish we had more sunny days - getting mighty tired of all this cloudy weather!

And we are getting visited by a skunk EVERY morning!

:o)   or    :o(


  1. We had one sunny day but most days are at least cloudy if not rainy:((

    1. Same here - it drizzled this morning, now cloudy and 30 degrees :o(
