Friday, August 23, 2019


..... the  newest members of Coopville:


Sir Benjamin (Bengi) !!!!

Coopville is alive with critters again! (and lots and lots of chicken poop!)

Just want to say "Thank you!" to all of our dear, dear readers for your continued support through our most difficult time. We have no works to express our sincerest gratitude to you all.

Life is very, very hard sometimes, but it does thankfully, always go on.....

See 'ya every Monday, Wednesday and Friday!



  1. So glad you are back!!!! We missed you!

  2. It made my day brighter to see that you returned to us. You have been missed.

  3. Welcome Back!!! And hello Sir Benjamin:))

    1. Thank you! He has a lot of growing to do - he isn't even crowing yet!

  4. Add my voice to the chorus of welcomes. Nice to see you are back in the chicken mom business.

    1. Thank you! They are going to keep me really, really busy!

  5. Welcome back! I really missed your posts.

  6. Welcome back. Good to see it turning around.

    1. Thanks Gerald! It's going to take us a long time, but getting through each day is a blessing.

  7. You're back!!! I decided to check this morning, and here you are!

    I love your new feathered family members, and Sir Benjamin - Benji is so beautiful! I had black hens when I kept them, and their black feathers shine blue in the sun. Your girls will fall in love with him!

    I am so relieved to see you're back, Phyl!
    Hugs & Love,

    1. Thanks, Cuz - trying to get back in the 'swing of things'. It's hard. So damn hard.
      Benji is adorable, but he's a little different from the other girls. I'm going to have to get him a pen of his own tomorrow. Wilma and Louise are pecking the heck out of him - I sure hope he grows up FAST!!! :o)

  8. Aw, Cuz, I just love ❤️ knowing you're still ok and back again! Those so called "rough patches" can sure scrape the hide off...and they bleed and hurt so bad. You've had so much in such a short period of time.

    I can see that Benji really is adorable...and maybe too young to be recognized as a ROOSTER that the hens will look up to yet. You're wise to isolate him from them until he grows his I.D. credentials so they'll see just who he is and bow down to him. Heh!

    Good to be back in Coopville again!

    1. They are a good distraction - gets me moving! All the hens look alike so I had to put yellow bands on the legs of Wilma and Louise so I don't confuse myself! LOL!

  9. Its good to see things are getting better.Welcome back. Love your blog.
